It is Where Your Audience Is

Most people and business owners don't realize it but Social Media has become a large footprint on the internet. The usage of smartphones in conjunction with social media is growing exponentially. The ability to share, advertise and promote your brand is priceless.

PPC Advertising

Pay Per Click

If you want to defibrillate your brand, product or services the best way to do that is paid advertising. It is direct, controlled and to the point.

Fast Results

By paying Google to advertise, your website will be at the top of the searches faster.

Fits Your Budget

Monthly plans for small to medium businesses.

Better ROI

The ability to track your Adwords campaign effectiveness.

Compete Online

Don’t let your competition beat you.

Unsure if PPC is Right for You?

Schedule your free assessment to find out more about how you can benefit from a proper pay per click campaign.

Pay Per Click Marketing Process

A lot of businesses try to do this step themselves. There is a learning curve and for some of the setup things can be missed or incorrect that can cost you your budget. Be sure you hire a pro. Even though it costs money you will save a bunch long term. Not to mention more qualified leads.

Setup Goals:

What do you want to accomplish? More traffic in general, better leads, more customers. Whatever your intent there is a way to get there. Planning ahead and organizing at this stage will increase your potential.

Concept Creation for Branding

Set Budget:

Depending on how many campaigns or angles you use to promote your product or service you need to figure out if you are looking wide or looking deep. If you are less specific you will need a higher budget and if you are more specific you will need less.

Set Budget for Pay Per Click

Create Ads:

A high quality ad needs a high quality landing page. The biggest mistake do-it-yourselfers fall in the trap of is putting the home page as the link to a specific ad. It is common practice to have alignment with the ad to keep the website visitor engaged.

Create Ads for PPC


Keeping track of what people type in for keywords is critical. Any keywords that are being typed belong in the negative keyword bin. This will help your campaigns stay healthy while running efficient. It is best to make those adjustments on the fly as you are learning how people are finding you and double down on those scenarios.

Monitor Pay Per Click Results

Hire a Professional for PPC

This is one of those services where if it is kind of setup right but has a a lot of holes in it and is disconnected throughout dollars can be wasted very easily. It is something that has to be monitored daily, weekly and monthly. Every business is different so every season, quarter of certain times of the year play an important role of analyzing the results and adjusting to make the machine fruitful.


Your look, your feel, your message – everything working together in harmony.

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Fill up the top of the funnel with more relevant visitors to your website.

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Attract, Convert, Excite, Prosper. Marketing that draws customers to your business.

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